EEE407 LAB. starts this week on Wednesday 12.03.2025. Please join the group in which you have written your name, contact me via e-mail if you have not yet added your name to a group.
EEE202 LAB. will start next week on Wednesday 12.03.2025. Please join the group in which you have written your name, contact me via e-mail if you have not yet added your name to a group. Laboratory Notebook: You will prepare a notebook for the laboratory, it will be enough if you have an 60 or 80 paper notebook (it should be square ruled notebook). The laboratory notebooks should be given to the assistants at the end of the semester (they will not be returned to the students). The first page of the notebook should contain a heading (i.e EEE202 LAB ), student’s name, number, group (day and hour on which the student attends to the laboratory). Preliminary Work, Experimental work and Conclusion sections should be in your notebook for every experiment. All questions in the “Preliminary Work” section should be answered in detail before coming to the laboratory in the notebook. “Experimental Work” section will be done during the experiment. The results of the measurements taken throughout the experiment must be recorded in a tabular format. All the graphs should be drawn on a graph paper. All circuit diagrams must be drawn in the notebook clearly. You should answer the questions in the “Conclusion” part after the experiment until the next experiment. Do not forget to bring the laboratory notebook and experiment sheet with you. You cannot participate in the experiment without them.
Please just contact me if you have any questions about the EEE202 LAB.