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Achieving carrier and photon confinement in Ga(NAsP)/AlGaP/GaP QWs on Si substrates
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Revealing the effects of nitrogen on threshold current density in GaNxAsyP1−x−y/GaP/AlzGa1−zP type I QW laser structures by hydrostatic pressure
Ünsal Ömer Lütfi,GÖNÜL BEŞİRE
3 |
A theoretical investigation of the band alignment of type-I direct band gap dilute nitride phosphide alloy of GaNxAsyP1-x-y/GaP QWs on GaP substrates
Ünsal Ömer Lütfi,GÖNÜL BEŞİRE,Temiz Mehmet
4 |
Modeling of the atomic structure and electronic properties of amorphous GaN1 x Asx
Bakir Kandemir E, Gönül B, Barkema G T, Yu K.M. , Walukiewicz W. , Wang L.W.
5 |
An Exactly Solvable Algebraic Model for Single Quantum Well Treatments
GÖNÜL Bülent, ÜNSAL Ömer Lütfi, GÖNÜL Beşire
6 |
The comparison of the band alignment of GaInAsN quantum wells on GaAs and InP substrates for 001 and 111 orientations
Köksal K, Gönül B
7 |
An analysis of the effect of nitrogen and a screened by free carriers Coulomb field on the binding energy of hydrogenic shallow donors in GaInAsN
Köksal K, Gönül B
8 |
Critical layer thickness of GaIn(N)As(Sb) QWs on GaAs and InP substrates for (001) and (111) orientations
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The critical layer thickness of InGaNAsSb QWs on GaAs and InP substrates for 001 and 111 orientations
Köksal K, Gönül B, Oduncuoğlu M
10 |
A theoretical investigation of carrier and optical mode confinement in GaInNAs QWs on GaAs and InP substrates
Köksal K, Gönül B
11 |
Comparison of the band alignment of strained and strain compensated GaInNAs QWs on GaAs and InP substrates
Gönül B, Köksal K, Bakır E
12 |
Analysis of the band alignment of highly strained indium rich GaInNAs QWs on InP substrates
Gönül B, Bakır E, Köksal K
13 |
A Theoretical Comparison of the 1 3 doped Quantum well Lasers for different concentrations
Oduncuoğlu M, GÖNÜL B
14 |
Comparative Study of the Band offset Ratio of Conventionally Strained and Strain compensated InGaAs GaAs QW Lasers
Toktamış Hüseyin, GÖNÜL Beşire, Oduncuoğlu Murat
15 |
Theoretical Comparison of Pressure Dependence of Threshold Current of Phosphorus Aluminium and Nitrogen based 1 3 mm Lasers
GÖNÜL B, Oduncuoğlu M
16 |
A Theoretical Comparison of the Band Alignment of Conventionally Strained and Strain compensated Phosphorus Aluminum and Nitrogen based 1 3 QW Lasers
GÖNÜL B, Koçak F, Toktamış H, Oduncuoğlu M
17 |
Influence of Doping on Gain Characteristics of GaInNAs GaAs Quantum Well Lasers
GÖNÜL B, Oduncuoğlu M, Dindaroğlu S, Yağdıran B
18 |
Supersymmetric Approach To Exactly Solvable Systems With Position Dependent Masses
19 |
Exact Solutions of Effective mass Schrodinger Equations
20 |
The Analysis of the Variation of Threshold Current with Pressure in Semiconductor Quantum Well Lasers
Gönül B
21 |
Influence of Effective Mass and Energy Band Splittings on the Radiative Characteristics of QW Lasers at Transparency
Gönül Beşire
22 |
Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of the Threshold Current in 1 5 m Strained Quantum well Lasers
Adams A R, Silver M, OReilly E P, Gönül B , Phıllıps AF , Sweeney SJ, and Thıjs PJA,
23 |
Evaluation of Various Approximations Used in the Envelope function Method
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GaP altlıklı özgün GaNxAsyP1 x y GaP kuantum kuyu lazerinin eşik akımının hidrostatik basınca bağımlılığı
2 |
2 Gezegenevi Rehberliği
Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projesi
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1 Bildiklerini Bana da Öğretir misin
Toplumsal Duyarlılık Projesi
1 |
Gaziantep Üniversitesi
Öğretim Üyesi
Durum | Tez Adı | Hazırlayan | Kaynak | Yıl | |
1 | Tamamlandı | Computational modelling of highly mis-matched alloys of GaNAsP and GaNAsBi as a laser gain material | ÖMER LÜTFİ ÜNSAL | TezMerkezi | 2016 |
2 | Tamamlandı | Modeling of the atomic structure and electronic properties of highly mismatched Amorphous GaNAs alloys | EBRU BAKIR KANDEMİR | TezMerkezi | 2013 |
3 | Tamamlandı | Theoretical investigation of the effect of nitrogen on optical and electronic properties of GaInAsN semiconductors | KORAY KÖKSAL | TezMerkezi | 2009 |
4 | Tamamlandı | A theoretical analysis of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum vells for long wavelength emission | MURAT ODUNCUOĞLU | TezMerkezi | 2004 |
Durum | Tez Adı | Hazırlayan | Kaynak | Yıl | |
1 | Tamamlandı | Theoretical investigation of the band gap of GaAs1-xBix | RABİA GÜREL | TezMerkezi | 2024 |
2 | Tamamlandı | Band to band tunneling in highly-mismatched semiconductors | ERBİL ESEN | TezMerkezi | 2024 |
3 | Tamamlandı | Modelling of novel bismide alloys for optoelectronic devices | NURETTİN GÖKDENİZ | TezMerkezi | 2019 |
4 | Tamamlandı | Spectral detector characterization | SABİHA YARLUĞKAL | TezMerkezi | 2019 |
5 | Tamamlandı | A theoretical search on the effects of nitrogen and aluminium on band offset of GaNxAsyP1-x-y/AlxGa1-xP material system | MEHMET TEMİZ | TezMerkezi | 2013 |
6 | Tamamlandı | Revealing the Effects of Nitrogen and non-radiative Auger Recombination Processes in GaNxAsyP1-x-y/GaP type I QW by Hydrostatic Pressure | SHAZA ALİ YOUSF | TezMerkezi | 2012 |
7 | Tamamlandı | Investigation of the band alignment of long wavelength InGa(N)As(Sb) quantum wells on GaAs and InP substrates | EBRU BAKIR | TezMerkezi | 2007 |
8 | Tamamlandı | Effect of nitrogen incorporation into GaInAs/GaAs grown on (111) substrates | MEHMET KAYA | TezMerkezi | 2006 |
9 | Tamamlandı | Band-offset ratio calculations of nitrogen containing III-V quantum wells | FATMA KOÇAK | TezMerkezi | 2003 |
10 | Tamamlandı | A Theoretical study of the III-N-V quantum well lasers | BİLAL YAĞDIRAN | TezMerkezi | 2003 |
11 | Tamamlandı | Theoretical investigation of strain-compensated laser structures | HÜSEYİN TOKTAMIŞ | TezMerkezi | 2002 |
12 | Tamamlandı | Modelling of gain, differential gain, index change and linewidth enhancement factor for quantum well lasers | SEMRA DİNDAROĞLU | TezMerkezi | 2002 |
13 | Tamamlandı | Effects of growth orientation on the properties of strained semiconductor quantum well lasers | MURAT ODUNCUOĞLU | TezMerkezi | 2000 |